Level Of Difficulty

GRE math is very similar to SAT math,though surprisingly slightly easier. The mathematical skills tested are very basic: only first year high school algebra and geometry. However this does not mean that the math section is easy. The medium of basic mathematics is chosen so that everyone taking the test will be on a fairly even playing field. This way, students who majored in math, engineering or science dont have an undue advantage over students who majored in humanities.Although the questions require only basic mathematics.
                                        It can require considerable ingenuity to find the simple solution.If you have taken a course in calculus or another advanced math topic. Don't assume that you will find the math section easy.Other than increasing your mathematical maturity,little you learned in calculus will help on the GRE.

                                       As mentioned above,every GRE math problem has a simple question and solution too,but finding that simple solution may not be easy.The intent of the math section is to test how skilled you are at finding the simple solutions.The premise is that if you have spent a lot of time wasting and working out solutions you will not finish as much of the test as students who spot the short,simple solutions