ME: (Given)
VO: Which Course you are going for?
ME: I am going to pursue Masters In Information System.
VO: OK. Why have you chosen this University ?
ME: Information System Department of California State University, LA is one of the best departments in the Industry. Based on my research professors are doing great research in their research field. Prof. JongWook Woo....(She Interrupted and asked).
VO: which specialization you are looking for?
ME: SAP is my area of specialization.This university has alliance with SAP where I will be getting a certification from SAP which will help me in my career. (She nodded her head the way which meant she is impressed and agreed)
VO: Who is going to pay your tuition fees?
ME: My father is will pay my tuition fees.
VO: What does he do?
ME: He is a General Manager at a Bank.
Your Confidence level matters allot. Be confident and bold enough. Americans like that. Best of luck !!